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Carbon Footprint Calculator


This link found on the WWF Foundation Website gives an accurate quiz that gives the user an idea about how much thier lifestyle impacts the greenhouse effect and the world's caron footprint. At the end of the quiz, information and statstics are given so the information can be put into context. This quiz also gives you suggestions as to how you can lower your carbon footprint to improve the world's lifestyle.

My personal footprint comes mainly from the imported and processed food I eat.

If everyone lived like me, we’d need 3.4 planet earths to provide enough resources for everyone.I believe that because of my public transport use and how often I buy goods that my carbon footprint is less than others around me.Some strategies that can change our global footprint include reducing the amount of animal products you currently eat by half. By every Australian doing this, we’d use 18 million fewer global hectares, an area that could cover 8 million football fields. We could also pledge to purchase products that used less packaging or were made out of 100% (PCR) recycled material. By every Australian doing this, we’d use 14 million fewer global hectares, and area that could cover 6 million football fields.



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